De kracht van intrinsieke doelen

door | nov 10, 2015 | zelfdeterminatietheorie | 0 Reacties

De kracht van intrinsieke doelen

Nieuw onderzoek laat twee interessante dingen zien: 1)  mensen bereiken meer progressie in doelen die verbonden zijn aan intrinsieke aspiraties en 2) mensen ervaren een grotere vitaliteit wanneer ze progressie boeken in intrinsieke doelen.

  Trainingen Progressiegericht Werken  

The humble path to progress: Goal-specific aspirational content predicts goal progress and goal vitality

– Hope, Milyavskaya, Holding & Koestner (2016)


  • Life values influence the types of goals that individuals set.
  • The aspirational content of a goal influences the likelihood of goal progress.
  • Individuals make more progress on goals connected to intrinsic aspirations.
  • Individuals experience greater vitality when making progress on intrinsic goals.


While previous research has demonstrated that striving for personal goals connected to intrinsic aspirations benefits psychological well-being, the relation between aspirational content and goal progress has remained unexamined. Using a multilevel modeling (MLM) approach in two longitudinal studies, we examined the relationship between life aspirations at the level of the person and the level of the goal, differentiating the ability of aspirations at both levels to predict later goal progress. We found that students made significantly more progress on (and were more likely to attain) their goals that were more intrinsic in aspirational content. These effects were goal-specific rather than person-driven. Study 2 replicated the findings of study 1 and also revealed an interaction between intrinsic aspirational content and progress in predicting goal-related affect. Specifically, we found that making progress on a goal that was more intrinsic in content led to greater feelings of vitality for that goal, while making progress on a less intrinsic goal did not. These findings highlight the benefits of setting goals connected to intrinsic aspirations (even for generally extrinsically-oriented individuals) and the value of shifting towards MLM approaches for research on goal pursuit.

Lees ook: Extrinsieke vs. intrinsieke aspiraties en burn-out

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  1. Een pleidooi voor brede rationaliteit - Progressiegericht Werken - […] en mentale gezondheid). Ook zijn intrinsieke doelen meer gekoppeld aan vitaliteit en progressie (zie hier) en zijn zij geassocieerd…

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